Meet the model: Kaitlyn Rainbow

Meet the model: Kaitlyn Rainbow


Kaitlyn Rainbow

We had the pleasure of sitting down with one of our faves Kaitlyn  – a Certified Nurse, model and body positive advocate who’s a shining light through the industry. 

"I am deeply passionate about educating and helping others work towards body-positivity and the liberation that comes with self-acceptance, whether that be through modelling, social media or my personal life. I am so proud to be represented by an inclusive, female-owned Australian agency that encourages me to achieve this whilst being authentically myself."
From Everi Modelling Agency Profile.

All of Kaitlyn's fits in order:
Penny Smock Dress in White

essa Crop and Dress in Gingham (coming early March)

Sawyer Dress in Caramel Daisies

Riley Overalls in Green (coming mid March)

Penny Smock Dress in Rust


Oooh I don’t really have one? I sometimes get called by my last name; fair to say there’s not many ‘Rainbow’s running around. 

Star sign: 


Linen Loungewear

Fave snack?: 

Currently obsessed with roasted seaweed. 

What are you watching right now?: 

Euphoria, I mean - aren’t we all watching? the makeup, the fashion - how could you not?

Linen Loungewear

Where did you grow up?:

Born and raised in Brisbane, Australia. 

Where do you live now?: 

Still here in Brisbane!!

Linen Loungewear

Favourite TLC piece?: 

My first ever TLC piece was the Avalon Smock Dress in black gingham (which has been worn to death!), but I think these new overalls are going to take top place soon.

Linen Loungewear

Best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?: 

My dad always says ‘how do you eat an elephant? one bite at a time’ - which usually drives me absolutely crazy because I'm stressed out in that moment. But it resonates with me every single time. 

Linen Loungewear

What are your words to live by?: 

The relationship you have with yourself is going to outlast all others, and will be with you for the rest of you life. I think that puts into perspective the importance of self-care and prioritising our own needs. 

Thank you so much to our fave gal Kaitlyn for being apart of this weeks journal.
You can find Kaitlyn here

Linen Loungewear
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