Midwife Zoe

Midwife Zoe

From Townsville, Queensland, Zoe Willcox is a passionate midwife who spreads love and knowledge about the birthing world. We took the time to chat in-depth with Zoe to learn more about her experiences and what inspires her. 

Without further ado, we have to know, who is Zoe? And what led you to Midwifery? 

The essence of Zoe is incredibly multifaceted! But at the centre of it all, I am just a girl who loves a good outfit, loves a Netflix binge, reading all the captivating books, spending time with my friends, family and little Labrador, Wally! I have always considered myself a "girl's girl", and will always jump at the chance to help someone in need. When presented with the question of "what do you wanna be when you grow up?", nursing was always at the forefront of my mind, but it wasn't until I witnessed a birth for the first time that I fell in love with the world of birth and beyond. I wanted to be a midwife. Since then, midwifery has taught me so much and allowed me to meet so many incredible people with extraordinary stories. I get to witness the miracle of birth, and help people take control of their birth outcomes by providing them with education to empower and inspire. It's been an absolute joy to be a part of this world.


You have built up your social media presence with such friendly, open-hearted energy, staying raw and transparent about the realities of pregnancy, labour and birth. What made you want to take your Instagram to the next level?

Instagram has provided me with the amazing opportunity to help support so many people outside the four walls of the hospital. Whilst midwifery has been a big reason for this connection, it isn't just limited to birth education. As my audience grew, I started to become a "go-to" person for advice regarding fashion, lifestyle, general women's health and book recommendations (of all things!). I think people sensed that "girl's girl" mentality from within me, and felt comfortable asking me for advice in multiple areas of life. It was from here that I decided I wouldn't just limit myself to midwifery education alone. There is so much more to being Zoe than just midwifery, and I wanted to share that by authentically and unapologetically being myself. Since then, my Instagram career has blossomed. It has allowed me to build and be a part of an incredibly supportive community, whilst also gaining the opportunity to work with and collaborate with amazing brands and businesses. It has been a learning curve, and a lot of hard work, but I'm so incredibly lucky and love the role I play in the online space. 

What do you find to be the biggest challenge in your job, and what do you think could be done to improve education and family support systems?

The biggest challenge for me has always been finding time. Time to support birthing people, time to connect with people, time to educate and time to unwind. Midwifery care is incredibly complex and layered. It spans far beyond just being present for a birth; it can be emotionally taxing and exhausting, as you often give up the biggest parts of your life to be present and support someone else. Whilst this is a part of the job I absolutely love, it is not without its limitations or hardships. Time is a factor midwives desperately need to be able to provide birthing people with the best chance of having an informed, empowered birthing experience. Time is the reason my Instagram page exists, because I wanted to positively contribute to birthing education without limitations. Whilst it would be amazing to ask every midwife in the world to make their own educational platforms to improve access to education and family support, this is not realistic. In order to improve access to birth education, I strongly encourage anyone to take the time to research birth, what's involved and what postpartum care entails. Research and understand birth in your own way, so when you do see your midwife, you're able to ask the questions you need to feel more in control, more informed and empowered about your birthing journey. 
And of course, we have to know, what is Midwife Zoe rocking on the regular?
It would be absolutely blasphemous to see Zoe in anything other than: 
- Lounge wear 
- A dress without a statement sleeve/print
- Anything that is colourful, bright, bold and unique
- Anything that is gingham!
I use fashion as a way to express myself, celebrate my body and have fun. I love being able to wear pieces that others would avoid out of a fear of being "too bold". If it looks crazy, puffy and bright, chances are, I'll be wearing it! I am constantly saying to others to "wear the clothes, don't let them wear you". That line is something that applies to my fashion choices, always. Life is too short to feel uncomfortable because of a piece of fabric! 
What is your favourite TLC piece?

TLC has a special place in both my wardrobe and my heart. Whilst TLC pieces are nothing short of amazing, the message behind the brand is so inspiring and empowering, and it's something I know has benefitted so many pregnant, birthing and postpartum people. Whilst I would love ALL the TLC pieces wholeheartedly, I am a sucker for the lounge sets and Avalon Smock dresses, especially in the gingham print! I mostly love the way I feel in the TLC pieces; which is always comfortable, feminine and beautiful. TLC is a brand that absolutely encapsulates fashion in a manner that is kind and celebrates the female body in all its forms. A staple that will always be welcome in my wardrobe!

We absolutely loved chatting with Zoe and adore the energy she exudes. To see continue following the journey of Midwife Zoe, you can follow her on Instagram.

You can also find all of Zoe's important links here.

Thank you for reading,

Love TLC x 
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