International Women's Day: The Women Behind TLC

International Women's Day: The Women Behind TLC

International women's day is near approaching and we thought, why just a day? Let's make this a whole week of celebrating the strong, powerful women around us. 

International Women's Day is a time to reflect on how far women have come with respect to equality, as well as how much more we have to go. It's a day to recognise the obstacles women face every day, such as reproductive rights, violence against women, and equal pay for equal work.

The Lullaby Club is a woman owned business, founded by mother and daughter duo, Marisa and Kevina Taschke. Lullaby Club started from the ground up, growing their business as a family with hard work and determination. They've since gone on to employ other female family members and external employees, making TLC a female-dominated company (except for Dave in the warehouse of course).

So in saying that, we wanted to take the time to ask them both some questions about IWD and what it means to be a woman! 

Linen Loungewear

What does international women's day mean to you?


To me it is a day to recognise and appreciate the amazing accomplishments that women have made. It is also a day to celebrate the unique strengths and perspectives that women can bring to the table. It is a reminder to respect and uplift each other, and to recognize that we all have something to contribute to the world. It is a day to reflect on how far we have come and to look towards the future of what more we can do to create a more equal and inclusive society.


International woman’s day makes me feel proud to be a woman. It’s a day to acknowledge and honour women around the world for the contributions they have made to our society. It is a day we are recognised for our commitments that we make not only in the workforce but in our homes.

Linen Loungewear

What keeps you motivated everyday?


One thing that keeps me motivated every day is having clear goals. I like to create a daily to-do list, this helps keep me on track and reminds me of the tasks I need to complete. Having a good support system of family and friends who encourage me and cheer me on provides an extra boost when I'm feeling stuck or unmotivated.


Success in my home and business life keeps me motivated . Knowing that my hard work and perseverance will help me achieve things in my life , such as a successful business and a loving well balanced family. I never had much growing up and that motivates me to make my children’s life better than the life I had. 

What does it mean to you to own a woman owned business in 2023?


To me, owning a women-owned business in 2023 means having the opportunity to create something meaningful and impactful. It means having the chance to build something that empowers other women.


I feel very grateful to be part of a woman owned business. It gives me the opportunities that I may never have had. It just goes to show a woman owned business can be just as or more successful  than a male owned business. 

What should we be telling younger generations of women?


We should be inspiring them to be courageous and confident in their own skin. We should be reminding them that they are capable of making a positive impact no matter their background or race, they are capable of achieving their dreams.


Don’t let anyone tell you can’t. If you want to do something to better yourself go out and get it. Don’t sit at home waiting for things to fall in your lap. No body has ever died from hard work. 

Who inspires you?


I find inspiration in a lot of different people, including my family and friends. I'm inspired by the people I see making a difference, those who are standing up for what they believe in and making positive change. I'm also inspired by people who are working hard to reach their goals and making progress, no matter how small. Seeing others focus their energy and dedication towards something is incredibly inspiring to me.


I would have to say my husband and children inspire me. They are the most hard working people I know. They have a can do attitude and they don’t let anything stand in their way when they want to achieve something. That is how we came to own the Lullaby club, Marisa had an idea and made it happen. I just came along for the ride.

What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?

The best piece of advice I've ever received is to never give up. No matter how hard a situation or challenge may be, with enough dedication and perseverance you can overcome it. Believe in yourself and don't be afraid to take risks and try new things.


The best piece of advice I have ever had would have to be treat others the way you would like to be treated. Don’t sweat the little things and dreams remain dreams unless you do something about them. 

We hope that all the incredible women who support The Lullaby Club take the time to reflect on their own achievements, what makes them women, and those who inspire them daily. 

Stay tuned on our socials this week as we continue to celebrate all the beautiful and powerful women among us.

Love TLC x

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