International Women's Day | Women who inspire us

International Women's Day | Women who inspire us

What better way to celebrate than to sit down with our three favourite influential women, who we can't help but admire?!

“A successful woman is one who can build a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at her.”

Laura Ember - a self made photographer, content creator, partner and model from the Gold Coast.

Jade Ball - a mother to three, wife, teacher and content creator from Brisbane.

Roxanne Cambridge - a mother to four, wife, model and content creator from Brisbane.

What does IWD mean to you?

Roxanne: "To me, IWD serves as a reminder of how far we as women have come, to give thanks to the women before me that fought so I have more opportunities today and to inspire women now to continue paving the way for our girls."

Jade: "It’s always been important to me but if I’m honest, it’s a hell of a lot more important to me now that I’m raising three little women. It’s a day where we celebrate how far we have come as women as well as inspiring us to keep kicking arse! I’m raising my girls to be strong, bold, fearless, independent, loyal and passionate so when I think about it, I kind of celebrate IWD every day!"

Laura: "To me International Women’s Day celebrates the feat that is to be a woman. Celebrates our strength, drive and power amongst what can otherwise be a bleak and struggle - some time for many. I feel International Women’s Day gives us an opportunity for a sense of togetherness and reminds us of how badass we are."

What is some advice you would give to your younger self?

Roxanne: "There is so much power in owning who you are."

Jade: "Live in the moment. Don’t doubt yourself. Know when to leave something that is no longer serving you. You will make new friends and lose old friends…this happens for a reason, trust the process. Learn to let things go. It’s never too late to make a change. And - sis chill, it’s all going to work out juuuust fine."

Laura: "To my younger self I would tell her to have fun, be a kid and not worry so much about what others think about her. I think like many I fell down a hole of not thinking I was good enough, smart enough, cool enough even. I shunned myself and hid away from people because I thought they didn’t like me, when in truth I probably could have made friends with those people as easily as I do now. Unfortunately this is something I still struggle with sometimes but it’s getting much easier to be less hard on myself."

Linen Loungewear

What accomplishment are you the most proud of?

Roxanne: "Taking charge of my health and implementing a really solid morning routine to help me manage my days!"

Jade: "That’s easy, there are three. My beautiful daughters. I grew them, I birthed them (women are fkn incredible), I nourished them and I love them hard every day. I’m not perfect but being a mother is the most important thing I will ever do. I hope one day when I’m old and someone asks me this question again I can answer by saying I raised them to be the most incredible women."

Laura:"Honestly it's difficult to see my achievements when there’s still so much I want to do. But I’m incredibly proud of myself for my current path, I’m a fully self taught self employed creative/ photographer doing what I love, it’s hard af sometimes but so rewarding when people love what I create, when I work alongside people I look up to and adore and that feeling of being proud of myself is unmatched for a kid who grew up so unsure of herself and her passions. I feel like she’d cry if she were to see me right now."

Thank you to Jade, Roxanne and Laura for helping us celebrate IWD 2023. You can find and follow her them on instagram @jadellab_, @roxannecambridge, @lauraember or find them on our instagram @lullabyclub

Keep following along with our socials this week as we continue to celebrate IWD - featuring tomorrow our IWD gifting giveaway!

“Here’s to strong women: May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them.”

Love TLC x 
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